Express shipping

24 hours vehicle coverage in the range from 1kg to 7,5 tons carrying capacity, permanent contact with central control available


Machine wash packages

The new service - professional continuous washing machine packaging. Material: plastic, metal, polystyrene, foil, and others.

Logistics, warehousing

Tempered spaces, convenient location near the E10 Prague - Liberec, complete logistics warehouse.



Call 24 hours a day!

+420 602 643 003


kroupa spedition Ltd.

Company KROUPA SPEDITION Ltd. has been on the market since 1998. Before eshablishing the legal form of Ltd. company, it operated on the Czech market from 1995 as a self-employed subject Rudolf Kroupa - motorized road transport.

All along our existence on the market we do not compete with large transport and logistic firms with standardized services. We focus on providing the services to our clients in requested time and range in accordance with their individual needs.

Staff code of our company

  • Customer does not depend on us, but we depend on him
  • Customer does not mean interruption of work, but he is the meaning of our work
  • We do not do a favor to the customer by serving him, he does a favor to us by giving us this opportunity
  • Customer is not a good partner for a quarrel. No quarrel has a winner.
  • Customer comes to us with the wish. Our goal is to fulfill it to our mutual satisfaction.
  • Customer does not want smart lecturing, but clear advice and honest information
  • Customer might be wrong, in a bad mood or angry, but be must not reveal similar behavior with us.
  • Customer must remember a pleasant conversation with us and therefore to come back to us again